Pulp Fiction: Indiewood

  • 1980s saw Hollywood convert back to the studio system of the 30s and 40s. This time the owners controlled the film business rather than the studio bosses.
  • An alternative to the Hollywood film system for the independent filmmakers was created to give them creative control which was heavily compromised in conventional ways. This alternative was to become knows as Indiewood
  • Big budget Hollywood films are given a deadline and are subject to focus group viewings. Independent films gain success and acclaim through film festivals.
Hollywood vs Indies     

-Expensive-Low Budget
-Genre Raiders-Personal Vision
-Studio gets the final cut-Director gets the final cut
-Large Scale-Intimate
-Special FX-Script

  • Made on low budgets some of the independent films made profit at the box office

It's important to understand the context surrounding the production of the film. Pulp Fiction was the ground-breaking film to show that The Studio System wasn't the only path to create a successful story. Through Indiewood, Tarantino was able to explore themes deemed as controversial and feel more real all for a low budget. He was able to have complete control over the directing of the film and self-approval of his script. The freedom Tarantino had when writing explains why the film is such a success. His unique flow enabled audiences to maintain engagement and have relationships on a more personal level with characters on screen. It is highly unlikely that the film would be as successful or even had the support to be produced if Tarantino went down the Studio System.

Pulp Fiction won 1 Oscar (Best Original Screenplay) and nominated for 7 Oscars including Best Picture (losing out shockingly against 'Forrest Gump') and Best Director.


  1. Why is this important to know in the study of Pulp Fiction? Please can you add a paragraph below that details this please.

    All the best

    Mr Cooper

  2. I have added a paragraph explaining the importance of Indiewood and how it's significant when looking at the film.


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