Short film: pre production- Storyboard (original) and shot list

I have completed the pre production process. I am aiming to film on the weekend of the 2nd-3rd June with any reshoots taking place the following weekend of the 10th.

The story board I have updated to compliment the length of shots in the film. The shots were way too long and unrealistic. Here is the original and the updated version of it. 


  1. Hi Elliott,

    Your script and shot list are looking good. That said, your storyboard needs some attention:

    Firstly, it would appear that some of your shots last for something like 55 seconds...this is a very long time! The average shot in a Hollywood film is generally 2-5seconds. You will want to reconsider this.

    Also, some of your drawings are a little difficult to understand. While these are not being assessed individually, this material is incredibly important in getting your vision across. At this moment in time we have some characters that appear to be floating in mid air or out of proportion for the frame. Again these will need to be changed and uploaded again.

    All the best

    Mr Cooper


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