One Flew and Vertigo booklet (p43-50)

Are there any similarities?

-Both influenced by the 'New Hollywood' era.
-However, Hitchcock was also influenced by 'French New Wave' and 'Old Hollywood'.
-Another way they differ was that Hitchcock only filmed a minority of scenes on location and manipulated the studios in order to complete his masterpiece. Forman on the other hand, relied on location filming in order to get his point across.
-As location shooting became cheaper then studios, this in turn created a more naturalistic approach to filmmaking which is seen in both Vertigo and One Flew.
Related imageImage result for mcmurphy and doctor spivey-The use of editing was another factor brought into life through the 'New Hollywood' era. It became more unique and artistic and had more connotations behind it. In 'Vertigo', when tying scenes together, 'fade in, fade out' and 'blackouts', are used frequently. They don't have any real background and only simply continue the flow of the film. Only a minority of shots have real meaning. While on the other hand, Forman manipulated editing to allow audiences to empathise with characters and add to their cinematic experience. This is seen in the first therapy scene where as the patients became more frustrated the fast paced editing in between shots allows us to be immersed into the same isolation the characters are feeling.
-The termination of the 'Production Code' allowed 'New Hollywood' films to feature 'Anti Establishment Political Themes' such as rock music and sexual freedom. Sexual gratification is visible through the character of McMurphy who thinks it is normal to commit "statutory rape". These explicit themes are not focal points within Vertigo but can be obscurely identified through Scottie's sexual desire for Madeleine.


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