Creating Hitchcock Auteur short film

In the making of this short film, we took on various aspects that are made apparent in various of Hitchcock's movies (auteur). Through these techniques we were able to understand why he used them and the message he was trying to get across. This includes:

  • String music is an essential component when trying to tell the story in Hitchcock movies. It  heightens suspense or sometimes sends the audience in the complete opposite direction.
  • Shadows were another way in which to frighten and amplify suspense. It compliments the music and conveys that something dreadful is about to occur.
  • The "Vertigo Effect" (Dolly Zoom) created a new era and was monumental in the sense that in most scenarios it emphasised and exaggerated the emotions of the character the shot is focused on. Hitchcock established this shot in Vertigo and has been illustrated in many Hollywood Classics and the films we so love today. 


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