Conveying messages and values

  •   how shot selection relates to narrative development and conveys messages and values.
  •   how lighting, including 3-point lighting, conveys character, atmosphere and messages and values.
  •   how cinematography, including lighting, provides psychological insight into character.
  • how all aspects of cinematography can generate multiple connotations and suggest a range of interpretations.
  •   how and why different spectators develop different interpretations of the same camera shots and lighting.
  •   how cinematography, including lighting, is used to align spectators and how that alignment relates to spectator interpretation of narrative.
  •   how cinematography, including lighting, contributes to the ideologies conveyed by a film.
  •   how sound conveys messages and values.
  •   how the principal elements of sound can generate multiple connotations and suggest a range of interpretations.
  •   how sound is used to align the spectator and how that alignment relates to spectator interpretation of narrative.
  •   how and why different spectators interpret the same use of sound differently
  •   how sound contributes to the ideologies conveyed by film. 
  •   how mise-en-scène conveys messages and values.
  •   how mise-en-scène, including setting, props, costume and make-up, can generate multiple connotations and suggest a range of possible interpretations.
  •   how staging, movement and off-screen space are significant in creating meaning and generating response.
  •   the significance of motifs used in mise-en-scène, including their patterned repetition.
  •   how mise-en-scène is used to align spectators and how that alignment relates to spectator interpretation of narrative.
  •   how and why different spectators develop different interpretations of the same mise-en-scène.
  •   how mise-en-scène contributes to the ideologies conveyed by a film. 
  •   how editing conveys messages and values.
  •   how editing is used to align the spectator and how that alignment relates to spectator interpretation of narrative.
  •   how and why different spectators interpret the same editing effects differently.
  •   how editing contributes to the ideologies conveyed by film. 


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