Pan's Labyrinth

Image result for ofelia opening scene pan's labyrinthCanted, slow angled shot into the girl's eye. Audience made to empathize with the "injured" victim. Lack of blood causes hallucination hence the canted angle.

Whenever Ofelia interacts with the "Underworld" a dark blue filter is placed upon the camera creating a sense of gloom. The audience is made to feel uncomfortable and suspect that danger is looming.  This in contrast with the "real world", where we visualize a more yellow and colourful filter creates not necessarily a more content atmosphere but we are made to realize that there is no real sign of danger. This colour is also fulfilled by the natural light from the sun.

Image result for pan's labyrinth light and darkImage result for pan's labyrinth light and dark
This dark blue filter is also complimented by the very slow but intense non-diegetic music. It creates an intimidating atmosphere and the audience feel bewilderment as they are unsure whether to watch in horror or just appear unnerved as it is just a fairy.

When the fairy tells Ofelia to follow her, the non-diegetic music heavily plays with our emotions.
When the camera appears far away from Ofelia the tempo of the music is a lot faster and the key of the music is minor, creating this intense and slightly frightening atmosphere. But when the camera, continually in the same shot. show close ups of Ofelia, the tempo is a lot slower and the key of the music is more major. This re-assures the audience that nothing bad is going to happen. The music cleverly sends our emotions on a rollercoaster as it gives us an insight into what's going through Ofelia's mind on screen.


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