COG- Why was it a success?

  • Something new- western (English speaking)                                                                                                           - Audience weren't aware of the story- Story was hidden                                                               - Exotic culture
  • Not genre specific?- Borrows elements of recognizable genre conventions and blends them with Brazilian film- It was accessible to western audiences- we recognized it.
  • COG, took Western, Hollywood elements of film and intertwined it in a Brazilian way.


  1. Hi Elliott,

    You make some good points here but overall this post is lacking the depth of response to be considered useful.

    Think about giving examples to your answer, you mention that the film borrows recognisable genre conventions...but what were these conventions? When and where would we recognise them from?

    You are accurate in what you are saying but we need to see you consistently backing up the assertions you make. This runs right through your research to your essay answers.

    If you could add to this answer with giving specific examples to points made it will transform this into a very useful revision resource.

    All the best

    Mr Cooper


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