Introducing myself


I chose film studies as I thought it would give me an advantage into what I want to do when I am older and that is to be a film writer and director. Everything about film is so intriguing and interesting to me. It all strangely started when watching the Pixar film "Monsters Inc." As a kid you don't really understand what is going on and are just embracing the images being presented to you. But watching it once again at a more mature age, engaging with the plot as well as taking in the images, made me realise just how spectacular this was and that there is so much you can do with film. Creating this idea that monsters scare children to create energy to power a monster's universe doesn't come about by chance and extremely fascinated me.

I want to give myself a different perspective when I watch films from now on so that I'm not just concentrating on the plot but also how the film is visualised. I'm really interested to learn the different camera angles and frames that are used in films to show a particular mood or to create something.

I am slightly worried about the analytical side of the course and the exam that comes with it. But on the whole I'm very excited to have chosen this course and I'm ready to get started.

What I am really looking forward to is creating and directing the short film as I will be able to extremely benefit from it especially as it is something I want to persist in.


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