Vertigo: Character Profiles

 Scottie-Powerful/Respected/Brave/extremely anxious yet excited very quickly
-He was a "bright young lawyer" but changed his job to be a policemen- he wanted excitement
-The reason he quit was he claims its his "Vertigo" but it's actually an excuse because he doesn't want to sit "behind a desk"-His arrogance is brought forward.
-He is a bachelor- He's a "free, independent man"
-His back is in theory restricting as he's embarrassed by his corset, but uses it to his advantage as it emasculates him.
-There is an unwillingness to confront his problems such as his vertigo.
-Very proud himself when "fishing out" Madeleine from the bay.
-Scottie's complex relationship with Madeleine brings out his naivety at first but as their relationship develops a sense of composure and sophistication is brought forward by him. Ever since he laid eyes on her, he had been indulged by her beauty, but as he got to know her he realises that behind this beauty there is a very bewildering personality that sends his emotions on a rollercoaster.
-His relationship with Midge is a friendly yet caring one. It is made apparent that they were once engaged with one another and she called it off, which comes across that she regretted-he way she looks up and down when he says it. He comes across as enthusiastic and she supports him emotionally and physically.

-When Scottie mentions there former engagement, there is a sense of regret as she looks up at him.
-Midge is literally "catching" him as he falls-typical mother allowing her "son" to do the wrong thing to prove they are right.

-Seducer-very aware of her beauty- In restaurant scene she stands out from the rest of the room. The notion of voyeurism makes us have our eyes fixed on her. She is kind of ghostly as she levitates across the carpet
-She is very reserved which juxtaposes the whole idea of her green dress making her stand out from everyone

-She constantly stands out-Hitchcock blond
-Madeleine is unique in her relationship with Scottie as she holds the psychological dominance. Her beauty seduces and allures him in. However it is him she is dependent on as he saves her life and is the only one who really understands why she acts in such a superstitious way.

Gavin Elster-Anxious/manipulative/demanding/dominant/observant/
-Powerful-Rich/wealthy-wife's family-mise-en-scene.
-He's the antagonist
-Whenever we see Gavin it's in a luxurious and affluent location.

-Everything he does, he has already thought about i.e his glasses.
-Gavin appears to show no emotion but this emasculates his power. In the meeting in the gentleman's club, he sits with a very calm posture, opposed with Scottie's agitated leaning forward position-performance/mise-en-scene

Gavin's relationship with Scottie is one of calmness and secrete dominance. He self-pleases himself with the way that he knows more then Scottie and is amused by his perplexity.
-Gavin's relationship is one of ambiguity and confusion. He is displeased by her different characters and behaviours (herself and Corletta)


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