
Showing posts from December, 2017

Conveying messages and values

Cinematography    how shot selection relates to narrative development and conveys messages and values.    how lighting, including 3-point lighting, conveys character, atmosphere and messages and values.    how cinematography, including lighting, provides psychological insight into character.  how all aspects of cinematography can generate multiple connotations and suggest a  range of interpretations.    how and why different spectators develop different interpretations of the same  camera shots and lighting.    how cinematography, including lighting, is used to align spectators and how that  alignment relates to spectator interpretation of narrative.    how cinematography, including lighting, contributes to the ideologies conveyed by a film. Sound    how sound conveys messages and values.    how the principal elements of sound can generate multiple connotations and suggest  a range of interpretations.    how sound is used to align the spectator and how

Pan's Labyrinth: Analysis of Performance

Arrival to the camp - When Carmen steps out the car, Vidal stands with an upright posture establishing his power to the audience and gives us an insight into who holds the dominance in the relationship between the two characters. It provides us with some historical/social context at the time which is that men overruled women at the time, women were inevitably dependent on their husband.  -Vi dal's facial expression is one of intimidation and threat. He maintains a straight face and frowns while staring at his clock before Carmen arrives, highlighting his impatience and does not like it when things don't go to plan. Then when she finally does arrive, it is not until he touches her stomach to feel the baby that we see a rare smile come out. But we can see through this smile that he maintains a slight evil threat . The Hunter's scene -After one of the hunter's doubts Vidal's judgement, Vidal takes revenge by stabbing him in the eye with a bottle. H