Camera frames

Camera Frames

Image result for inglorious bastards long shotExtreme long shot: Contains a large amount of landscape, often used at the beginning of a scene or a film to establish general location (setting). It is also known as an establishing shot.

Long Shot: Contains landscape but gives the viewer a more specific idea of setting. It can show the viewers where the action will take placed in that scene.

Image result for the damned united two shot

Two Shot: Contains a complete views of the characters. The viewers are able to take in the costumes of characters and are able to identify the relationship between the characters.

Image result for silence of the lambs close upClose Up: Contains just one character's face. It enables viewers to understand emotions and facial expression. Also able to empathise with characters.

Image result for pulp fiction mid shot
Mid shot: A shot of the characters from the waist up.

Image result for rush film extreme close up

Extreme close up: Contains one part of a character's face or other object.


  1. Some good detail here, well done.

    Please ensure that each blog post is introduced correctly; what was the task? What did you learn? How will this help you in the future?

    All the best

    Mr Cooper


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