
How useful has an ideological critical approach been in understanding binary oppositions in the narratives of your chosen films?

Plan: Argument: It is through the ideology of feminism that Andrea Arnold visualises for the spectator the binary oppositions of male versus female and good versus evil. Confronting the travellers/gypsies (male versus female) - use of hand-held, proximity between characters and camera, use of over-the-shoulder shots. Mia and Connor sex scene   (male versus female/good versus evil) - the connotations of hand-held, over-the-shoulder shots, scopophilia and the male gaze. Andrea Arnold's fascinating film, 'Fish Tank', follows the story of an aggressive teenage girl, Mia, going through her day to day life. Her emotional connection with her mother's boyfriend, Connor, enlightens the spectator to a side of Mia that is not illuminated before his entry. However, as their love moves beyond platonic, the spectator's views on Connor immediately change and thus coincides with the animalistic representation of the majority of men in the film. Being a female filmmaker,

fish tank essay

Reflect Cultural Context associated with Film Studies

Man With A Movie Camera, first shown in 1929 and directed by socialist; Vertov, can be related to multiple artistic movements including constructivism and modernism. constructivism was an art movement which emphasises the importance of the construction over the final product. the focus on the filming process during the film coveys this constructivist element. constructivism also celebrates industrialisation, and this is reflected through the films idealisation of modernity and the new soviet society. additionally, modernism is a movement which aims to portray a fascination with modern life, and at the same time presents art in a diverse way, rejecting classical art aimed at both portraying and interesting the bourgeoisie. 'Man With a Movie Camera' embodies these features through its focus on the films production, and its inclusion of people from all sects of life, more specifically average workers who coalesce in the interest of communism. V ertov utilises the double exposur

Man with A Movie Camera: paragraph

To what extent can it be said that your chosen film movement represents an expressionist as opposed to a realist approach to filmmaking? Make detailed references to examples from the silent films you have studied. In the sport and leisure section in Vertov's 'Man with A Movie Camera', through the groundbreaking techniques used the modern viewer is able appreciate the contemporary potential of what a film could do. This sequence begins with a shot of a carousel, using the 'match dissolve' effect to signify that time has moved forward, thus linking back to the idea of expressionism through the abstraction of reality: the spectator experiences a trancelike notion that they have time-travelled into the near future. At the time it was regarded as a very experimental technique instead of simply cutting between shots. The effect it would have had on the contemporary audience would be that it dazzled them and equally had a "magical&quo

Short film: update

-After receiving feedback from my first cut, I have planned out a few potential sequences during Ellie's monologue in order to keep the audience's engagement. I have also cut down the narration to allow myself to have more time to alter my ending. Originally, Ellie being taken into the wardrobe and her mum knocking on the door was the finale. However, I've decided that I will end it with Ellie's mum coming into her room noticing the window was open, thinking Ellie had escaped and her running outside panicking and screaming for her daughter to return home.

Short film: pre production- Storyboard (original) and shot list

I have completed the pre production process. I am aiming to film on the weekend of the 2nd-3rd June with any reshoots taking place the following weekend of the 10th. The story board I have updated to compliment the length of shots in the film. The shots were way too long and unrealistic. Here is the original and the updated version of it. 

Short film: treatment

"Stuck in the Middle" Two scenes: -Dinner with parents -Ellie's bedroom Treatment: Ellie is a young girl of about 8 years old. She's an only child something she's not happy with as she has always dreamed of having a younger brother. However, this is made to be impossible as she has come to the conclusion that her parents no longer love each other. In fact, it is only her that is keeping them together. But being an 8 year old she doesn't have the sophistication to understand that... That is what her parents expect. One thing they can agree on is that Ellie is too naive to understand the situation in their eyes. But Ellie is anything but. Ellie doesn't really have a lot of friends or in her eyes they are 'bitches', she claims they never share their pencils or let her play with her at playtime. Ellie's only real friend is movies and television, she's not your typical little girl who's obsessed with dolls and teddies but films